Thursday, January 10, 2013

Happy Christmas Season!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I know it's a little late to post this but that seems to be how we roll around here. We had a great Christmas season full of fun activities and traditions. This year I felt like we enjoyed every bit of the holiday! Here are a few pictures from the holiday season.

Concerts galore! Jake and Ethan both had band concerts. I was so sad I was unable to attend Jakes because of sick kids. I heard he did great. (Ethan took the pictures) Maybe he was being artistic- Jake is in the back-blurry- on every single picture. oh well-it makes for a memory. I did attend Ethan's and he did great. 

Ethan, Jake, and Jocelyn also did well at their piano recital. Jocelyn played "Jolly Old Saint Nicholas"
Jake played a song from Zelda, and Ethan played a Doctor Who song.

Jocelyn and Riley were cute at their schools Jingle Jam. Jocelyn sang The Reindeer Rock and Where Are You Christmas.

Riley sang I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas and a stirring rendition of the Chipmunks- Christmas, Christmas Time is Here.

Everyone picked out great ornaments this year!
Owen-Lightning McQueen, to remember his first time going to Disneyland.


Riley- Power Rangers

Jocelyn- A glass present with little pink beads inside.

Jake- a lego guy- we man-handled a few lego guy packages to find this one.
He was so excited when we opened the package to find the one he wanted. He doubts my power of
lego guy finder!!!???

We picked out a Mater ornament for Will since it was his first time to Disneyland also.

Ben and I always get a Santa- it's getting harder each year to find unique ones. 

This year we went to see the temple square lights with our good friends, the Hills. We started of with a rocky dinner at Chick Fil A. I was ready to bail out on the lights. I was glad we didn't. It was cold- very cold but we had a good time. I think the best part was watching Jocelyn and Andrew fight like brother and sister. Pretty cute.

It can't be Christmas without new sunday clothes. The boys looked quite dashing in new ties, shirts, and cute Will in his new sweater. I made Jocelyn a dress and she had new shoes and sweater to complete the look. Her curly hair was her idea - she looked perfect. 


The next day we went to my moms to meet up with some of the cousins for the annual construction of Gingerbread houses. They didn't disappoint with their creativeness.

Jake -just startin'

The stiff frosting was pretty gross- At least Laura thought so.

I didn't get a final picture of Ethan's- he took forever- it looked great though.

Will just wandered around Grandma's house while everyone was making their houses.

Owen's house, complete with bears walking up the sides and his favorite candy-starburst on the roof.

Andy, AmyLyn, Scott, and Jen hanging out in the kitchen.

Jocelyn- partway through creative masterpiece.

Riley- Almost done.....

 Other traditions and memories were made this season also. Jocelyn helped me make fudge, dads candy was made a couple of times (eaten mostly by me!) Sugar cookies were made, decorated, and devoured, gifts were made for each other, presents were wrapped by everyone, the ward christmas party, Christmas shopping at midnight with our best friends......soooo many good memories. 
Christmas Day coming next..... 

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