Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My true loves...

Monday when the kids were out of school for some obscure reason-teacher inservices or something-I made sugar cookies. The kids were so excited, probably because I haven't made sugar cookie in about a year! I guess when I'm pregnant I just try to keep the kids alive and happy and sugar cookies didn't fall into those categories. I'm also not a huge fan of the whole rolling out and cutting out and the mess that goes with it. So this time Ethan and Riley helped me make the dough and while they were all out trying to play in the snow(it is now hard as a rock!-we need new snow.) I rolled and cut them all out. So nice to just get it done. I probably would have let them do it but I had just mopped the floor and my patience the day after a graveyard shift is not the best! They didn't seem to mind. So for family home evening we frosted and ate and then frosted and ate again! YUMMY! Cream cheese frosting and sugar cookies how can you go wrong. Now I am wondering why it took me so long to make these again and yet maybe right after having a baby is not the best time to have such temptations around! Anyways Happy Valentines Day early!
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laura said...

i want one! did they make one for me?

Renee said...

I love that they are on Star Wars plates! You gotta have balance...right?

Heather said...

I found your blog because you left a comment on Angie's. Glad to read more about your beautiful family!